Sunday, April 12, 2009

Another Aunt Joins the Club!

I found out on Friday that my dad's youngest sister has just been diagnosed with both breast and ovarian cancers.

When I was tested positive BRCA1, the darn breast cancer gene that happily carries along ovarian cancer in females and prostate cancer in males, I told my aunts on my father's side, the hero who passes me this adventurous life, to get tested too. Aunty Enon told me that she doesn't want to get tested (despite the tumor that she has sitting on her ovary right this minute) because she doesn't want to know, because knowing means she her children and grandchildren are affected too.

What kind of an argument is that? Even if you don't get tested, if it's in your gene, there is a 50% chance that you have already passed it on to them anyway!! For me personally, it's better to know so that you can plan your life accordingly. The moment I was positive for BRCA1, I quickly surveyed for a house to buy, and in my hurry I decided on a house I probably wouldn't buy had I have more time in my hand. I also decided not to wait for a second child, because my body might give up on me anytime. And between all the rush, the cancer decides to show up again. I beat it only by a few months...

Anyway, although organ mets is something all cancer patients fear, I have come across people who live with bone and/or lung mets for as long as 9 nine years..and still living. And these people withstand chemo like it were income taxes - something we hate but has to be done anyway. I sure hope I could be as strong as they are.

Well, I'm off to hospital tomorrow, the c-sec is scheduled for Wednesday 15th. I'm not worried about the surgery itself, because it'd be my fifth if we count the oral surgery to extract four teeth in 2001. That was the first time I was put under GA. But I'm worried that Qays is not yet ready to stand on his own. These past 32 weeks, I have been breathing and eating for the two of us. Come Wednesday, he's on his own. But I have to have faith, because this is something that I have to do...

Pray for us...

1 comment:

mem-Besar said...

U just hang on there .. live life to the fullest. Everything will be OK, insyaALlah ...