Thursday, April 23, 2009

Qays has an infection...

It was confirmed that Qas has an infection...gram negative bacteria. The specific organism will be identified in a couple of days. The other two babies with infection don't look good. One of them is so thin you could see the ribs and bones poking through. He barely moves. If Qays is infected with the same organism...It scares me to even think about it...

At the moment he looks tired, but he appears better than yestesday. He has started taking 8ml of milk every 3 hours.

I had my chest x-rayed today, thanks to Dr Eeson of O&G, HKL. If he leaves it to the Oncology, it'd probably never happen. I did take a look at the film...the left lung doesn't look good. In fact, it looks pretty bad...

I hang on to my husband for strength. He is taking this better than I do, thinking positively most of the time. He truly believes that the antibiotics will work for Qays, and chemo will work for me.

Friends and pray for us

1 comment:

mem-Besar said...

Salam! insyaALlah semuanya akan baik-baik belaka ..
Bersabar (dengan hati yg redha dan tenang) menghadapi segala musibah dan ujian .
Berikhtiar mengatasinya dengan seberapa daya mengikut kemampuan kita sebagai manusia.
Yakin bahawa kesabaran tu dibalas dengan ganjaran kebajikan dan pahala yang disimpan khas oleh Allah.